Lien (R.15-18)
1. Lien is the title to hold a permanent post substantively R.12(18).
2. Two or more persons cannot be appointed substantively to the same permanent post at
a time R.15 (a)
3. One person cannot hold lien in more than one post at a time. R.15 (b)
i. An officer cannot be appointed on permanent basis to a post on which another
person has a lien. R. 15 (c)
ii. An officer ceases to hold lien previously acquired, when he acquires lien in a second
post. R. 16
iii.Lien once acquired will remain:
a) while performing duty in that post.
b) while on foreign service
c) while on leave
d) while holding a temporary or officiating post
e) during joining time unless the transfer is on an appointment on substantive
f) while under suspension; and
g) while undergoing training. R. 17
f) while under suspension; and
g) while undergoing training. R. 17
4. Government may suspend the lien
when a permanent officer is appointed on substantive basis to a post in
another cadre
b. when an officer having lien is appointed on substantive basis to a higher post
in the regular line of promotion
c. When an officer having lien is appointed permanently to a post where another
person has suspended lien. R 18.
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