Travelling Allowance Rules
I. Introduction
Travelling Allowance is an allowance granted to an officer to cover the expenses incurred by him in travelling in the interest of public service. It includes allowances granted for the maintenance of conveyance. (R. 12 (37) PI KSRs.)
TA is classified as compensatory allowance and it should not be on the whole a source of profit to the receipient. (R 44 PI KSRs).
II. Important definitions
Day: means day beginning and ending at midnight; but, an absence from Head Quarter which does not exceed 24 hours shall be reckoned as one day for calculating TA, at whatever hours the absence begins or ends. (R 12 (6) PI KSRs)
Head Quarter: means the radius of 8 k.m. around the place or office in which an officer is employed. The office in which the officer is employed is called the duty point at the Head Quarter.
No TA is admissible for journey within the Head Quarters. The items admissible are: (i) actual cost to the officers in Grade (III) or (IV) when deputed for duty or called to duty; (ii) allowance to teaching staff of Training Centres when deputed for practice teaching.(iii) actual fare subject to a maximum of Rs.10 to last grade employees attending treasury duty since 23-09-2002, and (iv) conveyance allowance to attend Annual Firing course and NCC camp. (R.64, 5,9 P II KSRs, GO (p) 567/02/Fin dated 23/09/2002 & notes 2&3 to R 57 PII).
Pay: means the amount drawn monthly by an officer as substantive pay or officiating pay including personal pay, special pay and any other emoluments specially classified as pay. (R 12(23) PI KSRs).
Public conveyance: means a train, steamer, bus, boat or other conveyance which plies regularly for conveyance of passengers (R 12 (29) PI KSR s).
Special conveyance: means a motor car or motor cycle/scooter engaged or used by an officer during tour for which the entire cost of its use and propulsion is paid by the officer.
(note under R.31 part II KSRs).
III General
The following are the five kinds of TA which may be drawn in different circumstances. R 5
1.Permanent Traveling Allowance
2.Permanent Conveyance Allowance
3.Mileage Allowance
4.Daily Allowance
5.Actual Expenses
Permanent Traveling Allowance: It is a fixed monthly allowance granted to an officer for frequent travel within his jurisdiction. For the drawal of full amount of PTA, an officer should be on tour outside 8 km from his Head Quarters for 15 days in a month and should spend at least 6 hours outside Head Quarters on each day. If this minimum tour is not performed, PTA will be reduced proportionately. Ordinarily PTA cannot be drawn along with any other TA. (R 6 to 8, 53 & 54 PII)
Permanent conveyance Allowance: This is also a fixed monthly allowance granted to an officer for traveling extensively within Head Quarters. PCA can be drawn in addition to other forms of TA. (R 9 to 11 P II).
Mileage Allowance: This is an allowance calculated on the distance traveled, which is granted to meet the cost of a particular journey. Rate of mileage in respect of different journeys (Rail, Road, Air, and Water) is varied (See parts V & VI of this note)
(R.12 to 36 P II KSRs).
Daily Allowance: This is a uniform allowance for each day of absence from Head Quarter, which is intended to cover the ordinary charges incurred by an officer in consequence of such absence. (R 37 to 40 P II KSRs).
Actual Expense: This is the actual cost or part of the actual cost of TA, where no means of conveyance by on at the expense of the Government, or to be drawn as TA, is permissible. (R 41 Part II KSRs)
IV Important Points on Tour TA (R 12 to 52, 55to 64 and 100 to 110)
The following are the main points to be borne in mind while calculating Tour Travelling Allowance.
1.The Head Quarter of an officer shall be in such a place as the Government may prescribe (R.46)
2.The Government may define the limits of the sphere of duty of any officer (R.47)
3.An officer is on tour when absent on duty from his HQ either within or beyond his sphere of duty as permitted. (R 48)
4.The TA drawn by an officer on tour ordinarily takes the shape of either PTA or Daily Allowance, if either of these is admissible to him. (R 52)
5.Minimum TA admissible is one DA, when an officer goes out side his Head Quarters on tour except in cases where means of locomotion is supplied (R 55). It cannot be drawn for any day in which a Government servant does not go outside a radius of 8 kms from the duty point or his HQ or return to it from a similar point. (R 57)
6.For Journeys within a radius of 8 km from HQ, an officer not in receipt of conveyance allowance can be given the actual hiring charge of conveyance. (R 64 & notes)
7.In respect of journeys involving an overnight halt at an intermediate station either due to non-availability of connecting service or due to the cancellation of connecting air service, half daily allowance will be allowed at the rate applicable to the intermediate station for each night halt. (Note 4 under R 58), when no facility is provided by the Indian Airlines.
8.When two journeys are performed within a period of 24 hours, the period of absence from HQ will be treated as one day irrespective of the fact that the journey was performed on two calendar days, and Daily Allowance is granted accordingly. (R.56)
9.DA for journey and DA for halt will not be allowed on the same day (within 24 hours). An officer performing journey up to 32 km on a day can draw only DA and he cannot exchange this DA for mileage.(R.62 (a)(iii).
10.When journey is performed for more than 32 km and the mileage calculated comes to less than the amount of one DA, the DA of the officer can be exchanged for mileage. (R 55 & G.D. (ii), to R 63)
11.The DA admissible for halt at an out station and DA/MA admissible for the journey should be calculated separately, irrespective of whether the halt is preceded or followed by a journey which qualifies for daily/mileage allowance. (GD (i) to R 63)
12.If the officer on tour returns to the first out station on the same day, DA can be exchanged for mileage allowance. In such cases, no DA in addition is admissible. (R 63)
13.When Government vehicle is provided, no mileage allowance will be allowed; only incidental expenses subject to a minimum of half DA.(Note (5) R 31, (R 107 and 110 P II).
14.Fraction of one rupee, ie, 50 paise or more, shall be rounded to one rupee.
15.In the case of long journey, an intermediate halt can be allowed after completing 200 km of distance. If such journey is late in the night such intermediate halt can be availed before completing 200 km. No DA is allowed for such halt. (GD 1 to R 31)
16.Half DA is allowed for intermediate halt after completing 200 km in departmental vehicle.(GD 3 to R 31)
17.If journey is performed partly by Air or rail and partly by road, the mileage for road portion of not more than 32 km of distance, shall not be in excess of one DA.
18.Journey for a distance within 50 kms shall be commenced on the date of official duty, and the return journey shall also be on the day on which the duty is over. (note 2 to R 14)
19.Time limit for claiming TA is 2 years. (25 A).
20.Arrear claims shall not be allowed on revision of scale of pay, retrospective promotion, confirmation etc. But it will be admissible on belated increment in the usual course or on pay slip. (GD 1 to 3 to R 4)
21.Officers who are eligible for I class accommodation will be entitled to travel in second AC coaches. Grade II (b) officers will be entitled to third AC only, and if there is no such facility, second AC will be allowed. G.O.(p) 1225/2000/Fin dated 17/10/2000.
22.Grade I officers traveling to metropolitan cities and other large cities will be allowed to hire taxi cars for the day. (GO (p) 707/95 Fin dated 25/10/1995)
23.Reservation charges paid for railway journeys in respect of the appropriate classes of accommodation will be reimbursed forming part of the fare in cases where reservation is actually required in exigencies of public service. (GD 2 under R 20)
24.Auto rickshaw/taxi charges at the rate admissible will be reimbursed for the journey from residence or office to Airport/Railway station/Bus station and back, subject to a maximum distance of 8 km each way. Only Grade I officers are eligible for taxi charge. (Note 3 to R 14)
For the calculation of Travelling Allowance, offices are classified into four as follows,
as per GO(P) No.145/2006/Fin dated 25/3/2006.
Grade I : Officers with actual pay of Rs. 14900 and above, and Heads of
Departments, All India Service Officers, Private Secretaries to Ministers
and speaker, irrespective of the amount of pay drawn by them.
Grade II(a) : Officers with actual pay of Rs. 12400 and above, but below Rs. 14,900.
Grade II(b) : Officers with actual pay of Rs. 8000 and above, but below Rs. 12400.
(NGOs except Last Grade, when they accompany the Governor, Advisors
or ministers on tour will be treated as Grade II (b) irrespective of their pay).
Grade III : Officers with actual pay of Rs. 5000 and above, but below Rs. 8000.
Grade IV : Officers with actual pay below Rs. 5000.
(pay includes basic pay, dearness pay, Personal pay and special pay in lieu
of higher scale of pay).
b) Halt how to reckon for Daily Allowance.
1.Up to 6 hours : No DA
2.Above six hours up to 12 hours : Half DA
3.Above 12 hours up to 24 hours : Full DA
4.Halt exceeding 24 hours : apply principals 1 to 3 above
5.Halt constructively in camp on holidays : DA admissible
6.Halt in camp on holidays; but no work : No DA
7.When free boarding & lodging are allowed : 1/4DA
8.When free lodging alone is allowed : 2/3 DA
9.When free boarding alone is allowed : 1/2 DA
c) For hilly tract
Class I hilly tract : 25 % of TA & DA in addition
Class II hilly tract : 12½ % of TA & DA in addition
Note: maximum period of halt for DA is 3 months: i.e., DA at full rate for the first 10 days, at 3/4 rate for the next 20 days and at 1/2 rate for the remaining 60 days.
1.Rate of Daily Allowance (w.e.f. 25-03-2006)
Grade of officers Inside State Outside State
Grade I Rs. 150 Rs.220
Grade II (a) Rs. 120 Rs.170
Grade II (b) Rs. 120 Rs.140
Grade III Rs. 100 Rs.110
Grade IV Rs. 100 Rs.110
(Rules for DA: 37 to 40, 56&57 P II KSRs).
e) Rail mileage (w.e.f. 25-03-2006)
Grade I : II AC + incidental expenses @25 paise per km subject to a
minimum of 1/2 DA.
Grade II (a): I class (if train doesn't have I class, II AC) +incidental expenses @20
paise per km subject to a minimum of 1/2 DA
Grade II (b): III AC (if train doesn't have III AC, I class)+ incidental expenses @ 18
paise per km subject to a minimum of 1/2 DA.
Grade III : II class fare + incidental expenses @ 15 paise per km subject to a
minimum of 1/2 DA.
Grade IV : II class fare + incidental expenses @ 15 paise per km subject to a
minimum of 1/2 DA.
f) Road mileage (w.e.f. 25-03-2006)
From 25/3/06, road mileage is fixed @ 80 paise per km for all categories of employee + incidental as under item (e) above.
g) For air journey (w.e.f. 25-03-2006)
Heads of Departments, Private Secretary to Ministers and All India Service officers irrespective of their pay scale and officers in the pay scale of Rs. 16650-23200 and above will be eligible for air journey. Incidentals for air journey was discontinued w.e.f. 25-03-2006, and restored with effect from 1-04-2007 as follows:
The incidental expenses for each journey shall not exceed the economy class full fare through national airlines. Thus, if a person travels on economy class full fare, he will not be entitled to the incidental expenses. GO(p) No.296/07/Fin dated 10-07-2007.
VI Transfer TA Rules (R. 65 to 67 P II)
1. A transfer should involve a change of station. (The distance between the two
places should be 8 km or more).
1.The transfer should be in the interest of public service. (No TA, for transfer ‘on request’. But, if the transfer ‘on request’ is after completion of one full year, excluding period of leave, at a station, T.A. is allowed.) GO (p) 480/89/Fin dated 01/11/1989
2.The Distance for the calculation of transfer TA should be the distance from old residence to the new residence (R 15 part II). It may be noted that a Government servant should reside within 15 km of radius from his Head Quarters.
3.When a Government servant holding substantive post, is appointed to another post as per the advice of PSC, TA is admissible as on transfer.(note 1 to R 65).
4.For temporary transfer (for a period not more than two months), no transfer T.A. is admissible. T.A. & D.A. as on tour is admissible. But, when the period is further prolonged, transfer TA shall be granted. But, no refund is necessary if the amount of tour TA already received is larger. (Note 2 to R 65).
5.‘Family’ for the purpose of Transfer TA includes only wife, husband (if residing with and wholly dependent on wife), children and stepchildren residing with and wholly dependent on the officer. Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Servants etc are not considered as family members for this purpose. (R. 67 (i). Part II)
6.A family member who follows the officer within 6 months from the date of taking over charge of the officer in the new station, and who precedes the officer not more than one month of the transfer (handing over charge at the old station) will be eligible for transfer T.A. (R 67 (le)(iii) part II).
7.TA to family member who travels from another place will also be admissible up to the distance traveled by the officer. (R 67 (le)(iii) P Ii).
2.For rail journey
Grade I : II AC fare + 3 times incidental expenses subject to a
minimum of 1½ DAs.
Grade II (a) : I class fare+3 times incidental expenses subject to a
minimum of 1½ DAs.
Grade II (b) : III AC fare+3 times incidental expenses subject to a
minimum of 1½ DAs.
Grade III & IV : II class fare+3 times incidental expenses subject to a
minimum of 1½ DAs
For family members : Only the class of accommodation as admissible to the officer
No incidental expenses.
Note: ‘Adult member’ means one who is 12 years of age and above.
‘Child’ means one who is 5 years of age and above, but below 12 years of age. ‘Family’ includes wife/husband, children and step children residing with and wholly dependent on the officer.
C. For Personal effect.
1.Those who are drawing actual : (i) Maximum weight-2240 kg
pay of Rs. 14900 and above (ii) Loading, unloading charges
Rs. 330 at each end.
2.Those who are drawing actual : (i) maximum weight –1120 kg
pay of Rs. 8000 and above but (ii)Loading, unloading charges
below Rs.14900 Rs. 170 at each end.
(c) All others : (i) Maximum weight-560 kg
(ii)Loading, unloading charges
Rs. 140 at each end.
D. By road
1.For the officer : Twice the normal rate of mileage (with incidental expenses)
2.For the family : (i) for one member-nil
(ii) for 2 members irrespective of age limit-one mileage
(without incidental expenses)
(iii) for more than 2 members : 2 mileages (No incidentals)
3. For Personal effect :Thrice the mileage as admissible to the officer.
VII TA for other journeys
1.To attend an examination. (R. 77 to 79)
TA as on tour is allowed for onward and return journey to attend an obligatory departmental examination. But, no DA is allowed. TA for this purpose shall not be allowed for more than two times.
2.To teachers deputed for training (note to R.84)
Teachers deputed for training from departmental schools are entitled to TA under the
ordinary rules, for their journey to and from the Training School or College.
3. To an officer under suspension (R. 85 & 86)
An officer, under suspension is eligible for TA to attend departmental enquiry and back. But, no TA will be admissible, if the enquiry is held at an outstation at his own request. A retired officer, when called for giving evidence on a departmental disciplinary case initiated against him on a charge while in service, is entitled to TA as on Tour.
1.For journeys during the course of training (R 97 & 98)
When an officer or student not already in Government Service is selected to undergo a course of training, TA is allowed for the original journey to and the last journey from the place of training, and DA for halts at such place.
2.To the family of an officer who dies while in service (R.99)
If, an officer dies while in service, members of his family will be granted TA for the journey to his home or to any other place where the family may wish to reside, whether it is inside or outside the state, either from the place of his death or from his headquarters, provided the amount shall not exceed what would be admissible for a journey from the officers HQ to his home. TA should be claimed within three months of the death of the officer and at the rate as on transfer.
3.On retirement to the place of Residence (R.99 A)
TA As on transfer is allowed to an officer on his retirement, for journey to the place of residence, inside or outside the state, where he proposes to settle down after retirement. This TA should be claimed within one year of retirement.
4.To attend Staff Council. (note 3 to R.42)
The officers who are members of the staff council are eligible for TA as on tour to
participate in the council meeting.
In the case of Ist Class Train Fare , Is Train Ticket is essential for making claim