26 May 2012

Classification of Pension - Kerala Service Rules

Classification of Pension. R.32 PIII
Pensions are classified into four as shown below.
(a) Compensation Pension
(b) Invalid Pension
(c) Superannuation Pension
(d) Retiring Pension

Compensation Pension. R 33 to 41 P.III
When a permanent post is abolished, the person selected to be discharged will be given
two options; either to accept another employment in Government service or to leave the
service accepting pension benefits based on qualifying service so far earned by the
individual. The pension granted as opted by the person, is called compensation pension.

Invalid Pension. R. 42 to 54 P III
When the Pension Sanctioning Authority has reasons to believe that an employee is
suffering from a contagious disease or physical or mental disability or infirmity, which
adversely affect the duties assigned to the person, he may be retired from service on invalid
pension. The Medical Examination can be conducted on the application of the employee,
also. The person will be invalidated from service from the date as specified in the Medical
Certificate, and pension is granted accordingly. A weight age towards qualifying service
upto 5 years is allowed, and the total Q.S thus arrived at, should not be beyond the date of
superannuation and should not be more than 30 years.
Note: No Medical Certificate is necessary for the last grade employees in the Forest
Department, who have completed 55 years of age.

Superannuation Pension. R.60 PI & R 55 PIII
This is the pension on the compulsory retirement from service at a particular age. Every
retirement will take effect on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which the date of
birth of the officer comes off. If the date of birth is on the first day of the month, the
retirement will be on the afternoon of the previous day. In the case of date of birth on a day
other than the first day of the month, the retirement will be on the afternoon of the last day
of that month.
Government vide their order in G.O (P)No.154/09/Fin dated 24.04.2009, have unified the
date of superannuation of all Government employees and teachers as March 31st, i.e if the
date of birth comes off on the April 1st, the retirement will take effect on the AN of the
previous day, and whose date of birth comes off after April 1st, will continue in service till the
last day of the ensuing March and will retire on the afternoon of that day.
This extended period of service will be reckoned for all service benefits such as Pay, DA,
increment, higher grade, promotion, earning of leave and pensionary benefits.

Retiring Pension 56 P III
An employee who has completed 20 years of Q.S. is eligible to retire voluntarily from
service. The person concerned must give notice at least three months before the date on
which he desires to retire. The ‘three months notice’ is relaxed in deserving cases. A
weightage up to 5 years is allowed towards Q.S.; and the Q.S. after adding weightage shall
not be more than 33 years and that should not go beyond the original date of
superannuation. When permission to retire from service is issued, it will become effective
and accordingly the person will be relieved from the post, he is holding. Permission to retire
voluntarily from service will be issued only after the service of the person is got verified by
the Accountant General. A Govt. employee who is on LWA under R. 88 or Appendix 12 A
or 12 C is also eligible to retire on retiring pension. For details see G.O (P)62/2010/Fin.
dated 10.2.2010. This rule has effect to from 9.3.2010

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